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Saturday 23 April 2016

Common setup for every project using ATMEGA32

              i.                        Run the software AVR Studio 5.1

               ii.                        Click on the New Project

               iii.                      Choose AVRGCC C Executable Project                      C/C++ 
                              Put the file name and location. Click ok.

               iv.                        Now choose ATMEGA32 in the Device selection list. Click Ok.

              v.                        A .c file page is open as below

              vi.                        Write your code here as below.
                    i.     Look at top 3 lines carefully that describes crystal oscillator frequency (here 16 MHz)
                  ii.     Include basic header files such as avr/io.h, util/delay.h
                iii.     DDR makes data direction for a given port (say in ATMEGA32 ports A,B,C or D). 1 implies output and 0 input. 0xFF has 8 no. of one. Thus DDRD=0xFF makes all 8 port pins of PORT D as output.
                iv.     PORT instruction makes the value of the port pins. PORTD=0x01 means all port pins of PORTD assigned logic 0 except PD0 0 pin. That is PD0 is assigned 1.

               vii.                        Another instruction PIN gives the status value of any port pins. Used in conditional statements as below,

In the above statement PORTD^=1<<PD0 implies PORTD pin values are modified by the bitwise XOR operation with 00000001. i.e. logically PORTD=PORTD XOR 00000001
               viii.                        After writing codes click on the Build->Build Solution or press F7. This instruction generates an equivalent .HEX file under a sub folder called debug.

               ix.                        If the codes are correctly written then build solution provides the message below,

               x.                        Now hex file is ready to load on your target board through programmer as below,

Look the HEX file location selected under Flash memory.
               xi.                        Reasons to choose Fusebits as hFuse C9 and lFuse FF is given below,
                    i.     Hfuse is chosen by default values in table 104 of ATMEGA32 datasheet except
1.      The bit no. 6 Enable JTAG which is unprogrammed by putting 1.
2.      The bit no. 4 Oscillator options which is programmed by putting 0.

                ii.     Lfuse is chosen by default values in table 105 of ATMEGA32 datasheet except bit nos. 5-0.

               iii.     From Table 5 last line is chosen. i.e. CKSEL0=1 and SUT1..0=11

                iv.     Also Table4 shows the capacitor selections between 12-22pf and CKSEL3..1=111

                  v.     We also get the crystal and capacitor connections as below,

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